School Memberships

HSCMST Support School Memberships Provide

Results, delivered.

Every test can be sent directly to a
student’s email, allowing instant
access to their results

All-in-one, automatically.

Every student has access to every skill builder HSCMST Support offers, allowing growth in numeracy, reading and writing

Track improvement

Each student can view their previous results to see greater scores as they progress through the HSCMST Support skill builders

With great pricing for bulk student memberships

Schools have the option of purchasing a School Membership which will provide a School Administrator Account and a unique 10 digit code which can be used by students to create a set number of accounts. A School Membership will provide all students with full access to all HSCMST Support Skill builders and Practice Tests in Numeracy, Reading and Writing. This membership option provides access to all the resources for four successive rounds of MST preparation. The membership will expire upon completion of the fourth MST testing period.

Number of StudentsCostCost per head
Under 50Varies$15

Our pricing structure is designed to support all school requirements and needs. The easiest and most cost-effective option for schools is to confirm the upper threshold which meets their student needs.

For example, if you have 68 students who need access to HSCMST Support, it is easiest to request the 75 upper thresholds for your school membership as it will bring all of the student accounts in the school membership down to $11.33 a head and will provide a significant discount. This school could then activate the remaining 7 accounts at any stage and they will roll over into the successive MST round.

Alternatively, if you would prefer to pay for the exact number of students you require, you can. Using the same example above of 68 student accounts required; the school would pay for 68 accounts at the 50 student threshold ($13 a head).

How it works

 1. Use the form below to inquire about a School Membership

2. We will ask you to confirm the number of students you would like to have access to HSCMST Support and the contact details of the Coordinating Teacher who will act as the School Administrator (including email address).

3. Once you have confirmed your numbers and the details for the Coordinator Teacher, we will create School Administrator Account for your school.  We will then send you a unique 10-digit code and a set of guides for both teachers and students to start creating accounts and accessing the resources.

4. Students are ready to learn!

5. Teachers have full access to all their test results and Skill Builder data!

The school administrator account will allow you to see:

Every students' account information

Every students results

Time and date stamps for all tests

A School Administrator Account can be used by multiple staff members and will allow for full access to all student data and increase accountability as you can see when students have completed each skill builder and practice test.

Contact us

Get in contact with HSCMST Support and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

We are looking forward to working with you and supporting your students.